We're Open! - COVID-19 Update

We're Open! - COVID-19 Update
  • Tuesday, May 19, 2020
  • News

Welcome back to Bawden Managed Landscapes!

Following the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown imposed by the UK Government, it became necessary for Bawden Managed Landscapes to temporarily cease operation on the 24th March, 2020. As regrettable as this decision was, we believe it was for the best when considering the health and safety of our staff and customers.

We are pleased to announce now, however, as of the 18th May 2020, Bawden Managed Landscapes is back open for business - and how excited we are! We are delighted to have so many individuals getting in touch already; we feel truly humbled and are more than happy to be back. 

We must, however, emphasise exactly what we are doing to keep our staff and customers safe during this crucial time; as you are aware, we have only recently experienced an easing of the lockdown measures, and caution must be taken in all areas of our work to ensure everybody's safety. 

Here's what we're doing to combat COVID-19 and reduce transmission

    • Contactless Site Visits - our staff will not meet with you if it is not absolutely necessary; if you do wish to speak with our fencing sales advisor whilst he is on site, he can speak with you from a minimum distance of 2 metres away to ensure social distancing.
    • Personal Protective Equipment - our staff do not share PPE at all. 
    • Solo Travel - our fencing sales advisor will travel alone to the desired destination.
    • Hand-Washing - we have provided facilities to ensure our staff can wash their hands frequently; they have been advised to wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
    • Vehicle Cleanliness - vehicle surfaces and controls are wiped down and sanitised regularly throughout the day.
    • Equipment - all equipment is wiped down at the end of each day and operatives are only permitted to handle equipment whilst wearing gloves.

We will be working hard to ensure that these measures are consistently enforced to keep Fencing Essentials running as smoothly and as safely as possible. Got any questions? Drop us an email at enquiries@bawdengroup.com or call us on 01980 622185; we'd be happy to assist you with any queries you may have. We want to ensure that we can meet your individual fencing needs efficiently and safely at this tricky time. 


British Association of Landscape Industries Accreditation   

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Copyright © 2025 Bawden Contracting Services Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
Bawden Contracting Services Ltd
Unit 1 Mills Way Business Centre
Boscombe Down Business Park

t: 01980 622185
e: enquiries@bawdengroup.com